Castle: I was raised by a single mother. Hard Kill was how I got my bro time.
Ryan: That explains so much.

Well, you know the thing of it is, you know what it's like to not have a father, you'd make sure your kid never felt that way.

Esposito: Kind of like we let you get away with not inviting us to the wedding.
Capt. Gates: Well at least you were invited to the Champagne toast.

Esposito: Really, we didn't get that call.
Ryan: Once again, not invited.

What we could use right now is a crazy Castle theory.

As long as we've known him, worked with him, don't you think Castle deserves the benefit of the doubt?

Esposito: I can't believe we just got beat by a girl.
Ryan: Lets never speak of this again.

I'm the obvious choice. If you can't see it I can't explain it to you.

I tell you, these clothes, that car. I feel invincible man. LIke Ray Price, kicking ass and taking names '70s style. I get it now baby.

I always thought the fashion industry was so glamorous, turns out mobsters are more ethical.

I'm not leaving Jenny. I'm not leaving my baby without a dad.

Ryan: You're going to bust on me now for being sentimental.
Esposito: I figure it's my last chance.

Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
