Sam: If anything goes bad, it's better if it's just us.
Kensi: If anything goes wrong, it's better if you have backup!

Kensi: Just you and me. Kensi and Deeks. Deeks and Kensi. Alone we're bold, we're brash, we can move mountains. And, together we're, um,
Deeks: We're safe. Yeah I know.
Kensi: I want to be bold Deeks, but I want to be bold with you.
Deeks: So no more games then?
Kensi: No more games.

Deeks: Okay so it's a personal trip that just happens to be practical, what's wrong with that?
Kensi: Nothing, nothing, you're right.

This job tends to ruin any chance at a personal life.

Deeks: There's a great hotel there that takes dogs if you want to come.
Kensi: Um, oh, wow.

Kensi: I think he'll love it because it's coming from you.
Deeks: Not saying he wouldn't enjoy a leather gym bag even more though.

Kensi: And, don't smell me ever again.
Deeks: No promises.

Callen and Sam are alive. I repeat. Callen and Sam are alive.

What's your third heart tell you?

Kensi: She's out.
Callen: Welcome back.

I would never let that happen to you.

Deeks: What's in the box?
Kensi: Mmm. That box?
Deeks: I mean, is there any other box?
Kensi: Apparently not.
Deeks: You didn't answer the question.

NCIS: Los Angeles Quotes

(Hetty approaches Callen as he is sleeping, he wakes up staring at Hetty)
Hetty: Did you catch him this time? You were twitching like a sleeping dog.
Callen: Well, you now what they say about sleeping dogs. (looks at Hetty)

Sam: Why would you rob a bank if you already had millions of dollars?
G: It's gotta be something bigger than that.