Dan: I know where you're going, but what about me?
Keith: Don't worry little brother, you're my plus one.

Dan: I love you Keith.
Keith: I love you too Danny.

Lucas: I have to go back.
Keith: Are you sure?
Lucas: I never told Peyton I love her. I wanna go back.
Keith: Ok. Well, I guess this is the hard part...

Lucas: Keith...
Keith: Luke, you know I love you. And I always will... but I'm afraid it's time for me to go.
Lucas: But I don't want you to go!
Keith: Luke, it's ok.
Lucas: God, I am going to miss you so much.
Keith: But why? I'm with you every day. I'm with you every day. Besides, we'll see each other again.
Lucas: We will?
Keith: You believe that. Now uh, this is gonna hurt a little bit. I love ya kid. It's okay Lucas, just breathe. It's gonna be okay.

It's a special thing, saying 'I love you' to people you love. Because you never know when you'll lose them, or when they'll lose you.

Keith (to Lucas)

Keith: It's okay Nathan.
Nathan: Why'd you have save me Keith?! Huh? If I would have died, then there's no Daunte, and there's no accident, and Haley and the baby are fine. C'mon Keith, you can save me but you can't answer me? Thanks for nothing.
Lucas: So it was you?
Keith: No, it was him. Most people are stronger than they know... they just, forget to believe in it sometimes.
Lucas: This is my fault. I wanted to win the state championship, I could have let him lose that game. I should have been more supportive of him and Haley!
Keith: Right. We'll let's take another look at that world, you know, where you're a lesser guy.

Just breathe, Lucas. It's all gonna be okay.


Keith: So do me a favor, win tomorrow night. I was gonna say score but I didn't think that was appropriate.
Lucas: Ugh.

Keith: I asked your mom out on a date. Hope that's okay with you.
Lucas: I think it's great. What'd she say?
Keith: Funny. I guess you had to ask the question I mean my track record with your mom is about as bad as the Raven's.
Lucas: Ah.

Dan: You son of a bitch!
Keith: Okay, there's no need to bring mom into this Danny.

Deb: How did we become so broken?
Keith: We fell in love, and at some point, the people we love forgot to love us back.

Karen: You remember when you said the other night that I had good instincts and that I should trust them?
Keith: Yeah.
Karen: (kisses Keith) You were right.

One Tree Hill Quotes

Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.

Dan: You don't wanna be the guy looking back at blue ruffles.
Lucas: Ah, good point. So what'd you wear to prom?
Dan: Blue ruffles.