Donna: (to Kalinda) Everything's fine. I didn't talk to anybody. I didn't tell anybody your secrets. And if this guy approaches me...
Kalinda: Blake.
Donna: I won't tell him how heartless you can be, how insensitive, how self-preservation is your number one concern, and after four months, you can barely say hello. I won't tell him any of that, okay?

Kalinda: Your office is... small.
Cary: Yes. Small, but pure.
Kalinda: So, in the third year, do you get a window?

Blake: You think I'm your competition.
Kalinda: No. I don't care if you're my competition.
Blake: Oh. Well, that's good to hear, Leela. I... Sorry. I keep on slipping on that, don't I?
Kalinda: Don't forget to use condoms.

Kalinda: How're you liking the prosecutor's office? It seems to agree with you. You look taller.
Cary: I like the moral clarity. (he walks up to her) Do you miss me?
Kalinda: What if I said yes?
Cary: Well, I'd say, "That sounds about right."
Kalinda: Then... yeah.

Diane: What do you know about Derrick Bond?
Kalinda: What do I know? Well, I did the due diligence. Everything I found, you have.
Diane: What about Derrick Bond and Will?
Kalinda: Sorry?
Diane: As far as I knew, there was no connection between them. I was the connection to Derrick.
Kalinda: You're suggesting there's a link that you don't know about.
Diane: I'm suggesting I'd like to be disabused of that notion.
Kalinda: Then, I'll get to disabusing.

Blake: Did you ever find your extra key?
Kalinda: You knew who I was?
Blake: Yeah. I wanted to see how you'd play it.
Kalinda: What are you, man of a thousand faces?
Blake: No. Just one. Does that flirtation bit always work for you?
Kalinda: Yeah. Are we going to have trouble?
Blake: No. No. As far as I'm concerned, it's your backyard, Leela. Sorry. That's not your name, is it?

Kalinda: Did you see the photo spread? Will in a swimsuit.
Alicia: He wasn't in a swimsuit.
Kalinda: So you saw it, then? Talk to him.
Alicia: He doesn't want to. He told me. He wants to drop it.
Kalinda: Yeah. In a voicemail. Anything said in voicemail doesn't count.

Alicia: Are you gay?
Kalinda: I'm private.

You won. He lost. So you're gonna turn this into some morbid thing because that's who you are. So, let's go.

Alicia: I'm just so tired of this.
Kalinda: That's what people like Cary count on.

That's the problem with good deeds. They multiply.

Kalinda [to Alicia]: Have you been a bad girl?
Kalinda: Going now.

Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.