Because you have so many unsolvable problems. Like your mouth! It looks like somebody kicked a whole in a bag of flour.

Jonathan (to Liz)

Does that mean you're coming to my cabaret?

Maybe we're the last people on Earth. Maybe we are legend. You're Will Smith and I'm the dog!

30 Rock Quotes

Jack: Are you familiar with the GE tri-vection oven?
Liz: I don't cook very much.
Jack: Sure... I gotcha. New York, third-wave feminist, college-educated, single and pretending to be happy about it, over-scheduled, undersexed, you buy any magazine that says "healthy body image" on the cover, and every two years you take up knitting for ... a week.
Pete: That is dead on!
Liz: What, are you going to guess my weight now?
Jack: You don't want me to do that.

[to Liz] I like you. You have the boldness of a much younger woman.
