Felicity: I can't believe he's gonna marry her.
Malcolm: You should worry more about getting out of here alive.
Ray: Is that even a remote possibility?
Laurel: Oliver would never let that happen.
Diggle: He let this happen.

Diggle: There's only one thing left of him now.
Laurel: And what's that?
Diggle: Us.
Thea: Gone but not forgotten.

Laurel: If anything happens with Nyssa, let me handle it on my own.
Diggle: Laurel, we're talking about the League of Assassins.
Laurel: I know that. I just...Oliver. You were closer to him than any two people I have ever known. You shouldn't have to...
Diggle: Fight him? Kill him? It's not going to come to that. Look, I'm with Felicity. There is nothing that Ra's al Ghul can do that can turn Oliver against the people he loves.

Diggle: And since when is Ra's' daughter someone we stick our necks out for, Laurel?
Laurel: I know you're furious with Ra's for what he's done with Oliver. We all are. But Nyssa. She saved my sister's life. She gave her a home. She's a good person in spite of everything that she grew up with. And the last time that I checked, protecting good people? That's what we do.

Felicity: If you're going to keep going out into the field, we should really design you some sort of...
Diggle: Do not say costume.
Felicity: OK...identity concealment.

League of Assassins. Huh. You're feared for your bravery and power, but all I see is a bunch of weak men running from their lives, trying to escape. That's not power, Maseo, or brave. That's cowardly.

Diggle: I see you brought your plus one.
Ray: Nice to meet you. Ray Palmer.
Diggle: John Diggle. [whispering into Ray's ear] You hurt her, they'll never find your body. [louder] Nice to meet you!

Oliver: He said I can do more as the new Ra's than I could ever do as Oliver Queen or the Arrow. That I would have unlimited resources. That I could make a difference, not just a dent.
Diggle: You aren't really considering this, just because Capt. Lance is angry and Felicity is momentarily unavailable?

Diggle: So, pretending for a moment that we aren't two dead men chained to the floor, how do you feel about being my best man?
Oliver: I feel pretty good about it.

Listen, I know what you're doin' and I know why you're doin' it, but you can't save Thea's soul at the thought of your own.

Malcolm: John?
Diggle: My friends call me Dig. You? Shouldn't even talk to me.

Diggle: No, you weren't gone. You were dead and all of us, including me; we were ready to hang it up.
Oliver: Why didn't you?
Diggle: Because we realized we weren't just fighting for you, we were fighting for ourselves. That includes Roy and, yes, that includes Laurel.
Oliver: She's not a soldier.
Diggle: Neither were you.
Oliver: It's not the same thing and you know that.
Diggle: What I know, Oliver, is that you started something, something strong enough to live on past you. Question is, can you live with what it's become?

Arrow Quotes

Thea: I missed you so much.
Oliver: You were with me the whole time.

To live I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked, but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Oliver Queen.
