Jenny: I thought I could change and I didn't. So I think the best thing for me to do is go. And stay gone.
Blair: Thanksgiving without Jenny Humphrey. What fun would that be?

Blair: Are you willing to go double agent? Help me bring Juliet down?
Jenny: I wish I could. But you were right in banishing me.

Blair: How many times do I have to go Courtney Love on your ass before you get the message? I don't want you here.
Jenny: The girl on Gossip Girl's blast isn't Serena.
Blair: What?
Jenny: It's Juliet.

Dan: So much for Zen Jenny Humphrey.
Jenny: Come on, Dan. I just what needed to be done.
Dan: It's what Blair and Chuck would have done.

Jenny: Blair, I'm just here for one day. I have an interview with Tim Gunn and if everything goes well then he'll write me a recommendation letter for Parsons.
Blair: Parsons is still in Manhattan is it not?
Jenny: Lower Manhattan. It's 100 blocks away from the Upper East Side.
Blair: Semantics!

[to Nate] I get it, you and I are friends, you love Serena.

Chuck: If you want to leave, now is the time.
Jenny: You're not kicking me out?
Chuck: Some of them don't get the choice.
Jenny: I don't want to be alone.
Chuck: Neither do I.

I don't see what we need Blair for, I mean, don't you read Gossip Girl? Extortion's what I do. All day.

Really? That's it?

Nate is just a friend and Chuck is harmless unless this place runs out of ice.

Jenny: So, what's step two?
Chuck: Get him drunk. Take advantage of him. Do women really not get this?

Jenny: I'm a Humphrey, so syrup is a food group.
Nate: Yeah, how are you not like 500 pounds?

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.