Bailey: Stalking a man while he's in the restroom.
Avery: I'd clean the restroom if he'd let me on his trial.
Cristina: I'd live in it.

You really want to be dating a guy, two women, and a baby?

If I had to hear something like that, I'd want to hear it from you.

You got to be kidding me with this crap, Lexie. Nobody has just one soul mate. That'd be such a dumb system.

I'm in line.

Someone should stay with you tonight and have plenty of fluids. Not beer. Not beer.

We are not close. That is not something we do.

She's a girl. Girls cry.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.