Jack: To your child. May he or she grow up in a less complicated world.
Margaux: Thank you, Jack.

[to Margaux] Daniel died a hero. I just wanted you to know that.

Emily: I'm not sure it'll be that easy to explain all this to Ben.
Jack: It'll be easier than you think.

Jack: Take the day off. Get your head together. Grieve. It's what humans do.
Emily: Look, Jack, just worry about yourself. My head is just fine.

Nolan: Well, I would say that a toast is in order.
Jack: To Emily and Kate?
Nolan: No, to my party surviving unscathed! It's a Hamptons freaking miracle!
Jack: Right. To the important stuff.

Emily: Jack, you distract Kate so I can return her phone without her realizing it's missing.
Jack: This is not how I expected to spend my summer.

Ben: Tell me something. How are things with you and Emily? Last I heard you were trying to uncomplicate things.
Jack: What, we gonna sleep over and do each other's hair next?

[to Emily] You can't make the people you love change, even if it's for their own good.

Emily: Am I talking to Jack Porter my friend, or Jack Porter of the Suffolk County Police Department?
Jack: You're talking to the guy who watched a huge part of his life go up in flames last night and deserves to know why.

Emily: I know that all of this came at a price.
Jack: Stop. You haven't only honored your father today. You honored Declan and Amanda too. They'd be proud of you. I am.

Jack: I'm all in.
Emily: Let's do this.

The Emily Thorne that I know can do anything.

Revenge Quotes

Aiden: Double infinitiy.
Emily: A journey with no end.

Envy can be a powerful motivator.
