I probably owe you a fish taco or something for saving my life.

Ivy [to Laurel]: I really need you to love me, that's all.
Laurel: That's something I can do. I can love the Hell out of you.

So they don't remake The Odd Couple starring you and me? It's okay, I'll live.

We are not best friends! You are my mother, and that sucks for me.

I'm upset because my mother is a whore.

I can't believe Teddy went all Mel Gibson.

I agree to a "show me how much you can grovel" dinner.

Dixon: I don't like the way he looks at you, like he's seen you in his knickers.
Ivy: I was five. They were Gremlins.

Ivy: You're crazy, Dixon.
Dixon: Crazy about you.

I don't need to play second fiddle to another girl anymore. I've gone on that ride and I'm done.

Dixon: You're amazing, Ivy.
Ivy: You don't have to say that.
Dixon: I know I don't.

Dixon: Why would your mom hire me?
Ivy: Maybe because I told her you were one of the hottest new DJs in town and you just spun Rob Pattinson's birthday party.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.


Sushi in Mexico? That ends badly.
