Iz: Look who got cute.
Eric: Still gay.

Penelope: The Devil would say you're already in Yale. You have security, now more than ever you can do what you want.
Isabel: And an angel would say, all the more reason to not to. You have what you want.
Penelope: You don't have a perfect transcript.
Isabel: But you don't need one. You're in. Ugh! I hate having to play the angel.
Penelope: I know, the Devil is so much better.

Dan: [on phone, walking away] I don't like lying to my girlfriend. Serena has a right to know what's going on.
Isabel: Oh my god, we have to tell Serena.
Nelly: Tell her what? We don't know what he's lying about.
Penelope: Why are you talking? Last I checked you were still on probation.

Nelly: We should at least tell Blair.
Isabel: We can't. Blair's with Chuck. Again.
Penelope: I'm really getting sick of how much time she's spending with him.
Isabel: His dad just died.
Penelope: Yeah, like a month ago.

Blair's leaving us behind. It's like the end of an era.

[to Jenny] To think, I almost asked you to wear a matching dress tonight.

Asher takes an unusually long time in the shower after lacrosse practice.

I am so glad that Gossip Girl finally got her balls back — she was so turning into the new Page Six.

Nelly: Todd's here? Do I have cushion face?
Isabel: A little.

Isabel: So how did you get Todd to play along?
Blair: Hey Is... what are you doing tonight?
Isabel: Uh, not Todd.
Blair: Fine, I guess I'll have to come up with something else.

Chuck: I love freshmen. They're so...
Isabel: Fresh?

Gossip Girl Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.