Iris: So you’re not stuck here?
Nora: No, I’m not.
Caitlin: So the reverse tack-ions in your system?
Nora: We’re put there because of me.
Cisco: Are you kidding me? Do you know how many credit card points I just blew trying to get rid of your negative tack-ions? I just bought a brand new spectral tack-iometer when I could have had my Fiji get away. Not that I would have had anyone to go with…
Ralph : [gives pouting look at Cisco]
Cisco: I’m not taking you to Fiji, Ralph.

Barry: Yeah, I just don't know if it's the best idea to send people out there to do our jobs for us.
Iris: We're inspiring them Barry. I mean we could be the ones to show them how to do the right thing.

Iris: You can't save monsters.
Harry: Marlize isn't a monster. Besides, the clock is ticking. It's 10 hours before enlightenment. What do we have to lose?
Iris: She stabbed me with a katana. Our lives are what we have to lose.

Iris [reads future newspaper]: Iris West-Allen.
Barry: It changed back.
Joe: Does that mean what I think it means?
Barry: Yeah, Joe. The future's ours again.

Barry: This is not goodbye.
Iris: I know you're going to do whatever it takes to save me. Don't lose yourself in the process, okay?

Joe: I haven't seen him this happy in a long time.
Iris: Try ever. It's the first time he hasn't been weighed down by the tragedies of his past, you know? First time he's actually been free of them.
Joe: You don't want his memory restored, do you?
Iris: Dad, I can't say that seeing him happy and light isn't something that I have wished for him because yeah, it is.

Iris: It's really nice to see you smiling so much.
Barry: How can I not? I'm going to be with you for the rest of my life.

Iris: I need you to make me a promise, okay? If things don't go our way. If Savitar kills me...
Barry: He won't.
Iris: If he does, Barry--
Barry: He won't.
Iris: If he does, Barry, promise me that you will be there for my dad. Don't let him push Cecil away. Don't let him spiral out of control. Make sure that him and Wally--
Barry: Stop. We're not going to talk about this. You're not going to die. I told you. I have a plan.
Iris: Barry, I need you to promise me, okay? I'm being serious. Promise me. Promise me you're going to make sure my dad is okay.
Barry: I promise.

Iris: He's a murderer.
Barry: I know he's a murderer. But how many murderers have we put in prison? How many bad guys have we taken down? Don't we deserve one win? After everything that we've done?
Iris: Life doesn't keep score, Barry.

Joe: Iris, whatever you may be feeling right now about Barry, that man does love you. That kind of love is rare.
Iris: Dad, I wish it were that simple.
Joe: [laughs] Simple. Look, only you know what's good for you. But with the kind of lives that you two have, that love between the two of you, that is the one thing that should stay simple.

Iris: Wait. You want to kill Grodd?
Barry: Why not? That's how their society in Gorilla City works. Kill or be killed. That's why he wanted me to kill Solovar. You know what? I should've. I showed too much mercy.
Iris: No. You did what's right, Barry. As you always do. That's what makes you a hero.

Iris: Rescue Harry. But other than that, you don't have to do this for me.
Barry: Everything I do is for you.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

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Killer Frost