It's interesting, you administering that silly test all these years, never bothering to ask what HL stood for.

I don't need any damn tea!

Not tonight, tonight we drink alone.

Hetty: Sorry.
Callen: No, you're not.
Hetty: No, not really.

Callen: I think he's going to be difficult to find Hetty.
Hetty: Oh, you don't say?

Arkady may have been Callen's last chance of finding out who his father was and where he came from.

I've been watching you, you have great potential. And I have plans for you, Mr. Callen.

Hetty: Well, intelligence only takes us so far.
Nell: Why is that?
Hetty: We're human.

Hetty: She just hung up on me!
Beal: Rough call, wanna talk about it?
Hetty: No I don't Mr. Beal.

The spy game has more in common with selling used cars than we'd like to admit.

Hetty: Michelle is very strong, Owen.
Granger: Agreed, but she's not the one I was talking about.

Deeks: Oh come on Hetty, I know Mexico! I've surfed all around that country.
Hetty: Oh, so have I.

NCIS: Los Angeles Quotes

Callen: If I was in charge of Operations, I wouldn't be your partner.
Sam: Talk about a win-win.

Fatima: How is everybody?
Kensi: We're good.
Fatima: How is Edward Morrison?
Sam: He's not so good. He's dead.