We are just gonna have to bring a little Kansas to Beverly Hills - and we are gonna have fun. Because it's all about family.

Harry: I'm the first to admit that I wasn't the greatest guy back then.
Debbie: I'm more concerned with the kind of guy you are now.

I'm trying to figure out when to be your principal and when to be your dad.

Tabitha: My damn computer froze up again.
Harry: What did you spill on it this time, Mom?
Tabitha: Scotch. I mean... iced tea.

Mrs. Clark and I went out for a bit back in high school.

Kelly Taylor: You know exactly what Beverly Hills people are like.
Harry: Exactly why I moved to Kansas.

Come on. This is gonna be fun. We got the weather, we got the palm trees, we got the... more palm trees.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.


Sushi in Mexico? That ends badly.
