Harrison: Papa Pope. That's okay, right? I can call you Papa...
Rowan: No.

Harrison: Jake Ballard. Dude could probably kill you with a bendy straw but at the end of the day he's just a normal guy. Put a fork in him.
Huck: Or a needle.

Abby: Are you serious? You're stealing my gun.
Harrison: Borrowing it.
Abby: Harrison, you do not need to act all crazy just because everyone else here is. We are the normal ones. You and me. If we need to borrow a gun, we ask. Also, why do you need it?

Candace: So you're here to babysit me now?
Harrison: If you're good I'll let you stay up past your bedtime.

Who we work for is Liv’s business. I can’t get her to do something she doesn’t want to do. No one can.

Stupid, super spies.

Quinn: Hey, I found her.
Harrison: Grounded!

  • Permalink: Grounded!
  • Added:

Quinn: What about me?
Harrison: Baby Huck it.

[to Olivia] Billy Chambers. Billy Chambers is the mole.

You're not the fixer here, Liv. You're the problem. You're the client. You're my client. Like it or not. So I'm not asking for the truth. I know the truth. I know enough. At any minute, any second now, so will the rest of planet Earth. So what I'm asking you is, what is your end game? Because the eye will pass, the winds will kick up, and you are not tethered to anything.

Harrison: Charlie the killer likes breakfast pastries...
Olivia: Okay, we can work with that.

Harrison: [to Huck] We didn't want to bother you while you were...
Abby: Shaking off the crazy.

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
