Harry: Help...
Cisco: No, you are not frying away what's left of you.
Harry: Help! Please.

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Iris: You can't save monsters.
Harry: Marlize isn't a monster. Besides, the clock is ticking. It's 10 hours before enlightenment. What do we have to lose?
Iris: She stabbed me with a katana. Our lives are what we have to lose.

Other Harry: Simple Harry is truly simple Harry now.
Cisco: No, that's not what's happening!

Tracy: Why are you doing this?
H.R.: I couldn't be a coward. I'm not a coward.

H.R.: You know how we said we were going to keep you safe?
Tracy: Yeah.
H.R.: Now I need to ask you to do something dangerous.

Julian: Sorry, why are we not looking for Caitlin again?
H.R.: Easy, Romeo and Juliet. None of us have forgotten about Caitlin.

Jay, a hero among heroes.

H.R.: You really are hard hat Harry's little girl, aren't you?
Jesse: Yeah, I am. And you're not him. So just do us both a favor and stop trying to be.

Cisco: No way. I'm not going to vibe you there for you to watch your sister die.
H.R.: This is to help Wallace! To help him see what happens so he knows what to do in the moment.
Wally: Come on, Cisco, please. If Savitar's coming back and I'm the only one that can save Iris, I have to do everything I can to make sure that happens.
Cisco: And you're sure you want to do that? Because this is not something that you can unsee, Wally.
Wally: If this is going to help me save my sister, yeah, I have to see it. Please.

Barry: How much time do we have?
H.R.: Two minutes.
Harry: Two minutes? Ten seconds. Can you not even tell time?

H.R.: I'm fascinated by the subtle differences between us.
Harry: And the not so subtle ones.
H.R.: Like what?
Harry: Like the fact that I'm a genius and you're a moron.

Wally: He's Harry's replacement.
H.R.: Some would say improvement.
Cisco: Um, this is Harry's daughter.
H.R.: Yeah.
Cisco: He's been kidnapped.
H.R.: I didn't know. I'm so sorry.
Jesse: Sorry about that.
H.R.: I'm sorry, too. Sorry I took the smile from your face.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost