Hanna, listen to me. With everything that family has put you through, you deserve every last cent of that scholarship money.


Hanna: Spencer say something. Why are we like radioactive?
Spencer: Bitch chipped us.

Hanna: I'm not the one who just shows up at someone's door without a reason.
Caleb: I have a reason.

Hanna: What the hell Mona?
Spencer: Have you been down there the whole time? Was that you? Answer us!

We'll never know that. Radley doesn't print out a year book.

Charles must have put fake blood in there to make you think you hurt one of us.

I think the thing that A, Andrew hated the most was that we were friends. Ruining that was the biggest thing. I know it was.

You may be a dude, but you're still a bitch.

Hanna: Emily stop. A's just gonna come after you too.
Emily: A can come after me any day of the week, anywhere. That's not gonna stop me from helping someone I love.

Alison's going to use whoever she can to keep us here forever.

Hanna: I wanted him to help pay for school. But you know what I wanted more than that? For him to look at me once and say "I knew you had it in you."
Ezra: I know that this isn't that same, but I used to be your teacher and I always knew you had it in you.

Last we talked about college I was 12-years-old and obsessed with doughnuts! You'd never even heard of Kate.

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
