Max Fuller: Hey man, I know we've had some bad history...
Oliver: You had your bodyguards kick the crap out of me and Tommy at your club.
Max: Right, well you slept with my wife. Well, now my ex-wife. Dude, all of that is in the past, okay. Dude, you're the freaking Green Arrow.
Felicity: Well I'm Felicity, I'm the wife of the freaking Green Arrow. It sounded a little less strange in my head.

As much as I believed in Team Arrow, I had to move on. I had to be a different kind of hero for this city.


Roy: This is a waste of time. How much longer are we going to be trapped in here?
Dinah: You used to be a lot more patient.

William: We're going to die here.
Oliver: You're going to make it through this. You're going to get off this raft and you are going to have an amazing life because you are destined for great things.

Laurel: How did you get past by SCPD detail?
Felicity: You know I went to MIT, right? It's like Harvard for computer geeks with a 6.7% acceptance rate. So if I can get in there, I can get in pretty much anywhere. Except for here, which is why I had to resort to saying that we were sorority sisters.

Rene: Back in town a week, and you're already sneaking out of ARGUS behind papa Dig's back. So proud.
Felicity: Thanks, bae.

Customer: You could always change my mind over dinner? Unless that just put me on your creepy customer list?
Felicity: You're asking me out?
Customer: Now I'm regretting it.
Felicity: No, like I'm flattered and everything. Woah, still got it.

I love you and I will always, always wait for you but I can't let what happened to William and I happen again. I can't. I have to fight back. You of all understand that.

Aww, you gonna make a new friend?

Oliver:I found the bomb.
Felicity: No, no, no. That’s no “A” bomb. That’s, one, two, three, four bombs.

Diggle: Andy told me that Genesis is coming.
Felicity: I don't think so. Phil Collins said they'd never tour again.

Oliver: I'm not so sure that finding this guy depends on gambling.
Felicity: It's not gambling when I play.