You can not have sex with Ty Collins.

Dixon: This is a pretty disturbing moment between us, isn't it?
Annie: Let's never speak of it.

I'm gonna save most of that emotional goodness for when I audition for The Hills... I do think I could be the next Spencer.

Naomi: Are you breaking up with me?
Ethan: I'm breaking up with us.

At least I got someone who cares enough about me to slap me. Better than you and your hand.

Ethan: Do you want me to kick his ass? Because I could totally do that for you.
Annie: He'd kill you. But thanks for the thought!

I was trying to find that guy you liked a couple summers ago.

Annie: Do you remember what I told you I liked about you the first time we met?
Ethan: That I was frightfully honest.
Annie: Yeah. I'm just wondering what happened to that guy I liked from a couple summers ago. Because this new one is an ass.

We're talking about me, and then all of a sudden it's about you.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.


Sushi in Mexico? That ends badly.
