Frank: So is she?
Erin: Is she what?
Frank: Hot?
Erin: In a cheap sort of way, I suppose.

Henry: So who died?
Danny: A 33-year-old woman with a four-year-old kid.
Erin: A 40-year-old dermatologist from the upper West Side.
Frank: And a 16-year-old in East New York.
Henry: I didn't mean it literally.
Frank: You just forgot who was at the table.

Erin: Not the most professional move bringing your underage girlfriend to court.
Jack: She is a lawyer and, in fact, she graduated Fordham, just like you and I.
Erin: Good for her.
Jack: And she's not underage. She's 25.
Erin: Oh great, thank you for clarifying that. She's five years older than your daughter.

Linda: What will you do when you retire?
Frank: Besides just being a burden to my children?
Danny: I thought that was a hobby.
Erin: Not that you're not good at it.
Frank: Thank you very much. One thing I know for sure, on Sundays, I'll be right here and I hope all of you will be too.

Erin: Mandatory retirement is hardly the same as execution.
Frank: It is to some guys. It is to Travis Jackson. It would be to me.

You huff and puff all over the place and I wave my finger around and preach about the proper procedure in the criminal justice system. That's what we do. That's our thing.

You made a commitment. We keep our promises, end of story.

Choir boys rarely witness major crimes.

Frank: I can't speak for myself.
Erin: Hell just froze over.

Egan: I've got two words for you - child pornography.
Erin: What's that supposed to mean?
Egan: Two words that together run neck and neck with child molester as the charges that bring everybody, and I do mean everybody, together.

Erin: The truth as a hustle.
Danny: Everything is a hustle; the key is to not be the sucker born every minute.

Your client has never stood trial, counselor. By the time I'm done with him the jury is going to see him for exactly who he is, a smug, spoiled, sociopath.

Blue Bloods Quotes

Ah, another day of crime fighting. We should get capes.


Eddie: Do you ever think about what we might be missing out on?
Jamie: Yup. Do you ever think what we might be giving up?
Eddie: Yup.