Dan: You swear not to tell anyone? Or laugh?
Eric: Ah, I'll take your secret to my grave, but laughter is an uncontrollable bodily response.
Dan: I kissed Blair Waldorf.
Eric: Wow I didn't see that coming.

Eric: Thank you for letting me hide out here. I just needed a time out from my mom and my grandma and my dad and... your dad.
Dan: Oh yeah. I mean, of course. My house is your safe house.
Eric: I'm surprised Serena didn't call you and ask you to be her back-up.
Dan: She did. But I figured I'd dodge that war. Hey, does William Carlos Williams go under W or C?
Eric: Hm. This is the first time I've ever seen you pass up a chance to save Serena. And you're alphabetizing. What's up?

Serena: Did anyone else see Vanessa or am I having ether flashbacks?
Eric: It's probably the latter. Although I did notice Blair wearing two different shoes.

Lily: I'm relieved you're not going to overdose. But you should have come to me with this.
Eric: I just, I didn't want to worry you. I wanted to fix my mistake.
Lily: The only mistake was mine. When I forged Serena's signature.
Serena: Wow. That's the first time you've admitted it was wrong.
Lily: Well it seemed right at the time, but I know it wasn't. And as much as I appreciate you both trying to protect me, I can't allow anyone else to pay for what I did.

Lily: What are you doing? Do you realize how gauche it is to open gifts at a party? Before dessert!
Eric: I was just so excited to have an addition to my stock portfolio.

Serena: These are purple.
Eric: Ugh. And... planty.

Eric: I know that they were just trying to help, but Dan and Nate actually made things worse when they went to see Damien's father.
Ben: How exactly?
Eric: Damien's got his big coke shipment coming in today from Europe. It's arriving at the flower market in the fertilizer packs of a hundred pink tulips. And since his dad has people watching his every move, he's making me be his drug mule.
Serena: What? Why would you do that? What does he have on you?
Eric: On me, nothing. But he knows that mom forged the affidavit about Ben.

Eric: I wished for chills on my birthday but not thanks to the flu. Well, looks like I'll be ushering in adulthood with warm tea and flat ginger ale.
Lily: We'll have to celebrate another time. Ugh, I need to get to this meeting. Get some rest, okay? And I'll call everyone when I get home and cancel the party.

I got more hugs tonight from strangers than my grandma doled out in her entire life.

Eric: Who do you want to spend Valentine's Day with?
Dan: Blair. No, it's not... no no no, It's not like that. I need her help with something.
Eric: You could be waiting a long time.

Eric: I have a hot date with a vehicle filled with hot meals. I would feel sorry for myself except I am delivering food to people too sick to cook.
Dan: Hey, at least it would be original.
Eric: Jonathan was never one for clichés.

Eric: Hey, thanks for meeting me.
Dan: I'm surprised my dad and Lily let you out of the house, even for food.
Eric: Oh, well it might have something to do with my volunteering. Or voluntary drug testing. Look, the schnitzel's on me. I'm sorry about lying last week.
Dan: Oh, thanks. Have you heard from Damien?
Eric: Oh, no, actually. Knowing the ambassador, after you told him he was dealing I'm sure he had him exiled to some very cold, very distant country.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.