Elena: Friend code states that in matters such as yours and Caroline's, I must with no exception, take the side of my best friend.
Stefan: Huh.
Elena: Can you two just kiss and make up? It's getting weird.
Stefan: You're just mad nobody knew how to carve the turkey.

Elena: I wanna remember.
Damon: Well you're a day late and a dollar short honey.
Elena: I mean I wanna try. Knowing there is this whole piece of my life missing it's driving me crazy, ok? So I have to at least try to get it back.

I want my memories back.

Alaric: Damon is going to kill me.
Elena: You're un-killable.
Alaric: Doesn't mean he won't try!

LIam: You're still hung up on your ex. Overly ambitious pre-med student desperate to become a doctor so she can prove to the guy who dumped her that he messed up big time.
Elena: Actually, he died.

You've been given a chance to start over in the absence of the one who defined you.

Elena: Savannah's not your home Stefan. It's an escape, a hiding place. This is your home.
Stefan: No this was my home, but I can no longer enter its borders therefore I have a new home.
Elena: So you're just gonna throw in the towel and go back to your new fake life?

Elena: Jeremy why would you even risk it?
Jeremy: Because she looks good in a bikini.

Cut him some slack. He lost his brother. Granted said brother was a soulless homicidal maniac, but still.

"It's okay to love them both." That's what Katherine used to say. HOw sad is it that my own evil Doppelganger was smarter than me?

Missing Bonnie makes me sad Jer. Missing Damon makes me dangerous.

I wanna say thank you for giving me everything I always wanted. A love to consume me, and passion, and adventure. There's nothing more I could ever want than for it to last forever, but it can't. This is the last time I'm gonna see you. This is goodbye, Damon.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
