Caitlin: H.R., how does she know you?
Cisco: Talk! Who is this gorgeous intruder?
H.R.: Her name is Gypsy. And she's what's known on my Earth as a collector.
Caitlin: What is she collecting?
H.R.: She's come to know. Me.

Julian: Hello, you.
Caitlin: Hey.
Julian: Am I in for another kidnapping?
Caitlin: Okay, I deserved that.

Barry, when your mom was murdered, Joe and Iris, they took you in. Cisco, when Dante died, I slept on your couch to keep you company. The things we see. The things that we face. No one can do this alone. Trying is the biggest mistake that you can make. He hasn't told anyone that Barry's the Flash. I think we can give him a chance.

Iris: Guys, my future isn't the only one we need to change.
Barry: These headlines. They tell us what happens in the future where Caitlin becomes Killer Frost and Iris dies.
Caitlin: If we can change the headlines, that means we can change the future.
Cisco: That's right. Challenge accepted.

For a hero Flash, you sure let a lot of people die.

Some things you break can't be put back together.

Where is Alchemy?

Cisco, I don't think any of us would suddenly become evil if we got powers, even if they were from Dr. Wells.

Caitlin: He said no to being a superhero! Who does that? I mean, you didn't say no when you had the chance. Cisco? Would you?!
Cisco: Superpowers. Ah...sign be up.

Cisco: Awwww how cute! We'll have two Professor Steins if this works!
Caitlin: It's gonna work.

Being a superhero isn't always about how fast you can run, it's about helping however you can, wherever you're needed most. I think Jay Garrick, physicist, has just as much to contribute as Jay Garrick, superhero. Maybe more.

Caitlin: You and your entire family are criminals. Why should we trust anything you say?
Lisa: [reveals scar] I didn't get this scar being a criminal, I got it being a daughter.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost