It's my time to be her father right now, okay. Whether she knows it or not, she needs me right now. Not you Teddy.

Rayna: You've always said that you wanted to be the man that I know you are, and now you have the opportunity to do that with me by your side.
Deacon: It's not that simple, Rayna.
Rayna: Of course it is. What are you so afraid of? Do you not believe in us enough?
Deacon: [sighs]
Rayna: Well, if you were trying to break my heart, you just did.

Deacon: I will be damned if I'm gonna drag you through all the hurt and the disappointment, look at the pity in your eyes.
Rayna: Look in my eyes. That's not pity. It's love. Don't you get that?

Maddie: But you still love her [Rayna], don't you?
Deacon: 'Till the day I die.

Scarlett: Say hi to Maddie for me.
Deacon: Why's she 'Facetiming' me now?
Scarlett: 'Cause you're her dad, and she wants time with your face.

I know I can fight this cancer, but I don't know if I can beat it. See the thing is, if I lose...uh there was a time when that wouldn't have mattered that much, but it does now. I got a daughter, and I got a niece, and I got...I got a lot of people I care about. They care about me, and when I think about not being there for them...You talk about feeling powerless. This is a powerlessness at a level that damn near overwhelms me. Truth is I'm terrified.

She [Rayna] and me, I don't even know what we are, okay, but I know that I don't want her like this. Feeling sorry for me. Taking care of me. That's all she's ever done, all right. I want to be the one to take care of her, and I can't do it right now because I'm sick.

Deacon: I know now why I got so upset about that article. It's because it was true. Everything you said in that article is true. I've never been able to let go of you. I didn't let go when you married Teddy. I haven't let go after all these years. I'm not letting you go now. So you were right. I have to ask myself why. Why am I not letting go?
Rayna: Why won't you?
Deacon: Because I love you. That's it. It's easy. I always have and you're gonna have to just deal with the fact that that aint gonna change.

Rayna: I had to make a trade.
Deacon: So you gave him us. You gave him what we had. What was private. What you had insisted for years was private. You just sold it to a magazine.
Rayna: It was the last thing I wanted to do.
Deacon: But you did, and I don't get it. And I don't know how you're living your life this way.

Don't do it Rayna. I know he's the safe choice, but he's the wrong choice.

Deacon: What?
Scarlett: I didn't say nothing.
Deacon: Well you didn't say it pretty damn loud.

I told you I was never gonna forgive you for not telling me about her 14 years ago and I'm not. Because that would mean you did something wrong. You didn't. You were just protecting our little girl. I finally get that.

Nashville Quotes

Daphne: You wanted us to be taken more seriously, and I was just trying to-
Maddie: To look ridiculous?

Marshall: It's not a request.
Rayna: Well I don't take orders.