Emily: If something goes wrong I don't want you to be complicit.
David: 'If something goes wrong?' Look around you. Everything's gone wrong.

Emily: It's over.
David: What is?
Emily: Everything. This whole damn war.

Emily: I told you I can't let Margaux keep hurting my friends. I have to--
David: Punish her for what she did. And then what? And then someone that loves her comes after you or someone you love and then on and on until there's just no one left. I won't risk losing you like that, Amanda.

David: You were such a happy child, Amanda.
Emily: I was. That ended when I was nine.

I appreciate that after everything you still believe in the justice system, Jack, but everyone bends the rules when it pays. Or when it suits them. Even you.

David: Do you remember when we moved here? We thought it was Heaven.
Emily: Well, the Devil can have it.

Victoria: I won't be a prisoner to your lies anymore.
David: I was a prisoner for two decades because of yours.

David: You're a good friend, Nolan.
Nolan: For a guy who doesn't have many friends, I try not to take any for granted.

David: I sat 10 years in a jail cell alone. Or did you not know I was innocent?
Victoria: Of course I knew.
David: Well then where the hell were you?

I love you, Amanda. Infinity times infinity.

I am so proud of you, Amanda. But I can't be your father.

Emily: I punished your enemies! I cleared your name!
David: I never asked for your help!

Revenge Quotes

Aiden: Double infinitiy.
Emily: A journey with no end.

Envy can be a powerful motivator.
