Tyrion: I'd given up on life, until Varys convinced me you might be worth living for. Chop off my head, well my final days were interesting.
Daenerys: I'm not going to kill you.
Tyrion: No? Banish me?
Daenerys: No.
Tyrion: So if I'm not going to be murdered and I'm not going to be banished...
Daenerys: You're going to advise me.

Daenerys: Why should I spend my time listening to you?
Tyrion: Because you can not build a better world on your own. You have no one at your side who understands the land you want to rule. The strength and weaknesses of the houses that will either join or oppose you.
Daenerys: I will have a very large army and very large dragons.
Tyrion: Killing and politics aren't always the same thing.

Daenerys: Get him out of my sight.
Jorah: Khaleesi please, I just need a moment of your time. I brought you a gift.
Tyrion: It's true, he has.
Daenerys: Who are you?
Tyrion: I am the gift. It's a pleasure to meet you, your grace. My name is Tyrion Lannister.

It takes courage to admit fear, and to admit a mistake. I came here to tell you that I was wrong. I was wrong and you were right about tradition. About bringing the people of this city together. I will reopen the fighting pits, to free men only. Slavery will never return to Meereen, not while I live.

Don't ever presume to touch me or speak my name again.


I will not let those I have freed slide back into chains.

People learn to love their chains.

A man who fights for gold can't afford to lose to a girl.

I have never been nothing. I am the blood of the dragon.

Handmaiden: A trader from Quarth told me that Dragons come from the moon.
Daenerys Targaryen: The moon?
Handmaiden: He told me the moon was an egg, khaleesi. That once there were two moons in the sky, but one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat. Out of it poured a thousand thousand dragons and they drank the sun’s fire.

He was no dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon.


Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


Did you know about Ramsey?
