David: You can't threaten me like that.
Cyrus: Actually, I can. You see, when you know someone's pressure point, you can make them do just about anything.

Honey, I'm gonna call you honey because I can't remember your first name and I don't care. Honey, you want to be reasonable about this.

[to Michael] You're wondering what this is going to look like, our life. And I could lie to you right now. That's how both of my other marriages began, with lies, so I could lie to you right now. I could tell you there's a chance we will warm to one another, maybe fall in love and live happily ever after. I could lie, but I won't. We're not going to fall in love, and that is a relief to me because I cannot disappoint you. I cannot hurt you anymore than I already have. I cannot destroy your image of me or break your heart or damage your soul. You don't believe in me, so I have nothing in you to break. I am on no pedestals. You see me for what I am. A filthy monster desperately trying to hold on to the last shreds of its humanity. You are a good person. I know that. Ella could use a good personin her life. I'm not promising much, but I will promise this. I may not do it well, but I will do my best to be your someone so you're not alone. Okay? You're not alone.

Michael: I'm one of those people who's been picturing my wedding since I was a teenager. I believed. Even in my stupid hometown with my stupid parents and idiot guys who threw rocks at me every day, I believed. Even when I was working as a pro, my worst nights on the streets, I still believed. I believed that someone was gonna love me, care about me, that I wouldn't be alone, and it is my wedding day, and you hate me. You would murder me with your bare hands if you thought you could get away with it and I have no one who would even miss me. I have nothing. It is the day I've been dreaming of and I have nothing.
Cyrus: You're wrong, you know. I would never murder you myself. That's a rookie move. I'd pay a professional to do it.

Do I have to be here for this? I do have a country to run.

It sounds like a shotgun wedding.
Olivia. It is and you're the pregnant bride.

Olivia: It's all in the rear view for me. I need to move forward. I am moving forward.
Cyrus: Moving forward...towards what?

Mellie: I'm running for Senator of Virginia.
Abby: Well, that's...history making. Good for you. Good for Virginia, ma'am.
Cyrus: You think so, Red?

Abby: He's good at his job.
Cyrus: I didn't say he wasn't. You date him? Really, Red? That turns you on?

Cyrus: Well done, Red.
Abby: Well done? You almost killed her today.
Cyrus: Yes.
Abby: And he has no idea.
Cyrus: Not unless you tell him.
Abby: The fate of our nation is more important than the life and liberty of one individual.

She is precious to him, you understand? She is his beating heart in the hands of his enemies. With her they can bend him, they can break him, they can make the President of the United States dance like a monkey at a county fair. And as long as his heart is out there, beating in the hands of China, North Korea, drug lords, Russia, God knows who else, we are screwed. We stop it. We stop that beating heart. And that, my friends, is what your President would want us to do, it is what he would demand that we do, if his heart were not out there. If it were in here he would do it himself. So we do what he cannot do. We may need to neutralize the asset.

You moron. You child. When are you going to learn? The finest minds of our government have told you what needs to happen and still! I built you from the ground up. From the ground up! You are all that I have to show. I made you a warrior. I made you a king! I made you a leader of men and THIS? This is what you leave me with? No! NO! I'm done. I quit! And you can take your flowers and daisies, and your "love conquers all" and your hope, and you can choke on it because I don't work here anymore.

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
