It's like when we were interns. This is so much fun! Stealing surgeries, playing dirty...

When we're done here, can you braid my hair?

Alex: I can have sex!
Cristina: Are the hydraulics not working? I can write a script.

Does she ever sleep with you? Did you guys have sex and it was awful? Was she awful? Were you awful and now you're so ashamed you can't even look at her? Was it weird? Is she a man? Oh, secret penis?!

Cristina: Haircut.
Arizona: Yes, you can't just say haircut. You have to say nice haircut. Otherwise, I'll think it's a bad haircut and I'm wearing a dress and I got a haircut because I want to look nice. Do I like nice?
Cristina: You look tense.

Cristina: Just because I'm the one who said it was time doesn't mean this is easier for me.
Owen: I know.
Cristina: This is not easy for me.

Cristina: Is 'I told you so' inappropriate?
Meredith: Shut it.

Cristina: Who's Dr. Boswell?
Callie: She's the woman Arizona slept with last night.

Derek watches Zola put applesauce in her ear and he's enchanted.

She's our person.

Do you even know how much I love you?

You made me a better doctor tonight, Dr. Webber. Thank you.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.