Charlotte: I screwed up, Coop. And I want to make it right. So, I was thinking, you wanted me to move in a few months ago, maybe now it's the right thing to do. A good first step. What's the matter? You going somewhere?
Cooper: I'm moving in with Violet.

Violet: I'm lost, Cooper. I mean I see it, I feel better, but most of the time I walk around lost and alone and scared.
Cooper: Well then I will be here, and we'll sit and we'll eat and figure this out. We'll work through everything and make it okay. Together.

Cooper: I want you to talk to me. Do you not see that we are a perfect match and you're screwing it up?
Charlotte: I got embarrassed and humiliated. So don't tell me about screwing things up. You think it's easy for me to look you in the face after I sobbed in your lap like a 12 year old girl, asked you to marry me, and got turned down?

Cooper: I'm sorry I said no about the marriage, but I did tell you I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Can you tell me what I did wrong that's so unforgivable?
Charlotte: If you really don't get it, I can't help you.
Cooper: Well, we have to talk about this.
Charlotte: No. We don't. And we won't. So save the rest of your earnest little I can make it all better act and leave, okay?

Violet: I'm pregnant.
Cooper: You're pregnant?
Violet: And I don't know who the father is. Cooper, we are two of the most emotionally stunted people I've ever known. We've never made any progress in our personal life. We don't do personal growth and now, here you are, getting married, and I'm pregnant and we're just growing all over the place.

Charlotte: I want to marry you, tomorrow. In Vegas.
Cooper: Tomorrow? My mother-
Charlotte: Families complicate things. Family's messy. Let's do this. Marry me Cooper Freedman.

Cooper: You're in the closet?
Violet: Seeing if it's less scary in here.
Cooper: I like it.
Violet: Me too.

Cooper: What's your problem, you'd think someone died.
Charlotte: Dying. Big Daddy.
Cooper: Big Daddy? Well that is a screen-name. When you get back on the horse, you really get back on the horse, huh?
Charlotte: Cooper-
Cooper: What's killing him? The sex or the cold fish attitude?
Charlotte: Big Daddy's my father.

Violet: I thought I was okay with it. But I'm not sure if I am okay with it. I'm sleeping with two men. Do I get a lecture now?
Cooper: Yes. Yes, you do. This is good. This is progress.

Cooper: What we need to do now is get Gracie to the hospital. Get her in isolation while we figure out what to do.
Daron: Okay, I'll take her now.
Addison: Daron, you can't take her. You can't touch her. You can't be with her or you'll die.

Charlotte: Momma's taken to her room with the vapors and none of them wants to make a decision about Big Daddy.
Cooper: The vapors? You have a medical degree from John Hopkins. You've diagnosed your mother with the vapors?

Cooper: Lift your shirt.
Pete: Excuse me?
Cooper: I need you to lift up your shirt. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Pete: You're a pediatrician. That's like half a doctor.

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches