Conrad: As you know, I wanted everything and ended up with nothing. Death would be a luxury compared to this. My god, why are my wants so fathomless?
Guard: We all have wants, Grayson. They just come with a price.

Pascal: I want to move on from the past.
Conrad: I want what I've always wanted. To win at any cost.

Pascal: He'll have another round. Same for me.
Conrad: Will this round come with another obscure threat?

Conrad: I thought your imminent departure would bring me solace, but oddly there's another sensation kicking around inside me.
Victoria: A burst appendix, I hope.

[to Pascal] Ah, I sense the stench of romance is in the air.

Oh, Conrad. All the morning papers you flip through and you always skip Page 6.


As Voulez's emissary at today's art walk, I need to run home and slip into something more creative.

Margaux: I assume Satan will want the corner office.
Conrad: I have no intentions of punching a clock--just my son.

[to Lydia] I'm not a simple man to be with but I have a simple question. Do you love me?

Contrary to what they say, the secret to staying happily married is secrecy.

[to Jack] You know, if we can't sell this place, maybe we'll just turn it into a home for wayward boys.

[to Charlotte] Good morning, kitten! It's lovely to have you back in the litter.

Revenge Quotes

Two wrongs can never make a right because two wrongs can never equal each other.


Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
