Betty, you're lying. With so many saints in your living room how can you lie like that?

Ignacio: Mrs Meade, what do you take in your coffee?
Claire: With vodka and ice, hold the coffee

Dr Farcus [to Betty]: You should stay away from the blueberry, it stains your teeth
Claire: Wow. You really can't follow this kind of chemistry

What a cute little house, I could put it in my pocket


Claire: This is kidnapping
Daniel: You're not blindfolded in the trunk of a car, this is a deluxe suite in the Grand Regent...
Claire: It doesn't even have a park view, I might as well be tied to a chair having my ear sliced off

Claire: How are [Alexis and Daniel]?
Betty: They're adjusting...
Claire: Betty..
Betty: It's like Cain and Abel.. if Abel was a woman... who used to be a man

[Claire is looking at picture on Betty's cell phone]
Claire: It's a guy with no chin and permanent bed head
Betty: Oh that's Walter

I didn't pass out in a Mexican whore house again did I?

Betty: Let's take the stairs, it'll get the toxins out
Claire: I like my toxins.. with two olives

Claire: Who are you?
Betty: I'm Betty Suarez, I'm Daniel's assistant
Claire: I'm Claire Meade, Daniel's mother, I win

Betty: I'm worried about him he's focusing all his energies on work and avoiding his feelings
Claire: On the spectrum of our family vices, work is a lot healthier than murder
Betty: Hmm... that's true

Do you think our grandchild will have a Spanish name like... Paco?

Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]