Betty: Are you sure this is the best way to deal with your feelings?
Christina: Well I did consider throwing a dart at the real thing, but she's so damn fast in those heels

Betty [about Wilhelmina's baby]: You're so good with him
Christina: Who knew? I thought my only maternal instinct was nursing a bottle of whiskey

Just don't forget about me when you're a big star and I'm still stuck here in this tailor's dungeon.

Wilhelmina: I might as well resign myself to never having a man around
Christina: I wouldn't do that.. cause uh.. you're having a boy
Wilhelmina: Really?
Christina: Yes, Wilhelmina, you're having a little baby boy

The sound of clinking ice cubes.. its like a Scottish lullaby

Wilhelmina: Let's grab a drink
Christina: I'm seven months pregnant with your child
Wilhelmina: Well you can watch. I'll drink for all three of us. Come on

Betty: I warned you that that place was too expensive didn't I? you just said you had to eat ramen
Christina: Which would have worked if Amanda wasn't eating all my ramen... and she denies it! She just says there's an old crazy man who lives inside my walls and comes out at night to eat my food. She calls him "Bad Ronald."

Christina: Is this real? Am I pinning an endangered species here?
Wilhelmina: If you really want to feel bad I have a hat made of bald eagle

Betty: Oh yay the sandwich guy!! I got too excited didn't I?
Christina: Yeah

Ten bucks says there's a coat in there made of dalmatian puppies

Christina [talking to herself in mirror]: Hello Mrs Matt Damon
Betty: Are you doing the Matt Damon thing again?
Christina: I'll give you a Bourne ultimatum

[after Christina open's Fey's safe]
Amanda: Ooh what's in there? I want money and jewelry.
Christina: It looks like her diary
Amanda: Eww, reading. What else is there?

Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]