Chloe: It's a first hand account of Smallville's first mystery. In 1871 the whole settlement went postal before they even had a post office.
Pete: Nice to know Smallville was still whack even before the meteors got here.

Clark: Ever since Whitney's father's been in the hospital, there's been a no-fly zone on Lana.
Chloe: You know, Clark, there are other girls out there that don't require crossing an emotional minefield.

Chloe: So she just stripped down right in front of you? Lana Lang in all her glory...
Clark: Most of her glory.
Chloe: Well, at least you'll have a nice picture to daydream about in Saturday detention.

What about you, Clark - what's your deepest desire? And remember, lets keep it PG-13.

Chloe: Principal Kwan thinks that I need to get more in touch with the pulse of the student body so I've decided to do a poll. Now, if you would both please do your statistical duty...
Pete: I'd go over and make out with that girl right now...
Chloe: You know, every answer I've gotten so far has been either sex or violence-related.
Pete: That's human nature, Chloe.

Chloe: Can I ask you a question - totally off the record? Do you ever wonder about your biological parents?
Clark: Every day of my life.

Clark: You know, uh, Chloe this is a class project not a corruption scandal.
Chloe: Relax, Clark, it's not like you have anything to hide.

And so the mystery that is Clark Kent deepens.

Okay, this isn't an official question and I don't want you guys to take it the wrong way, but has your son always been this strange?

Come on, Pete, I'm desperate. Now the only information I could get out of the Kents was the earth-shattering admission that Clark hates peas.

Chloe: Ah, the sweet smell of freedom.
Clark: Chloe, you were in the hospital, not Alcatraz.

Clark Kent, investigative reporter - has a nice ring to it.

Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
