There's a king in ever corner now

Catelyn Stark: If you lose, your father dies, your sisters die, we die.
Robb Stark: Well, that makes it simple then.
Catelyn Stark: I suppose it does.

Robert Arryn: Mummy, I want to see the bad man fly.
Lysa: Perhaps you will my little one.
Catelyn: This man is my prisoner. I will not have him harmed.

Tyrion: Tell me, Lady Stark, when was the last time you saw your sister?
Catelyn: Five years ago.
Tyrion: She's changed. She was always a bit touched, but now, you might as well kill me here.
Catelyn: I am not a murderer Lannister.
Tyrion: Neither am I! I had nothing to do with the attempt on your son's life....What sort of an imbecile arms an assassin with his own blade?

Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


Did you know about Ramsey?
