Cary: Thirty year old Sean Briglio, found in a room 606 at the St. Martin Hotel. Handcuffed, ball gag in his mouth and his penis severed from his body. Yes, its making me wince even just talking about it. The severed member was found in the ice bucket.
Kalinda: You're kidding.
Cary: Yes, on ice with the champagne. There's probably a joke to be made about shrinkage, but I won't go there.
Kalinda: I think you just did.

Don't tell her you slept with Peter before you put in a good word for me. OK?

Yeah, that's a hard one. By the way I slept with your husband. Sorry is that too blunt?

Kalinda: Your office is... small.
Cary: Yes. Small, but pure.
Kalinda: So, in the third year, do you get a window?

Cary: You've been served.
Alicia: I've... For what?
Cary: State's attorney has asked me to head up an inquiry to look into the leak of Mr. Childs' deposition. Now, I'm going to try and expedite this, Alicia, so that you don't have a cloud hanging over your head.
Alicia: (ironically) Thank you so much.
Cary: You're welcome. (he pauses) Personally, I know that you would never break the law in this manner, so I'm sure it's just a formality. And if it's not, then we'll be pursuing a disbarment hearing.

Cary: (to Alicia and Will, before taking Alicia's deposition) This is funny, isn't it? All these connections. My old workplace, my old boss, my old coworker... and my new boss competing with your husband. And then there's you two and... your thing.
Will: Chicago. Shall we start?

Kalinda: How're you liking the prosecutor's office? It seems to agree with you. You look taller.
Cary: I like the moral clarity. (he walks up to her) Do you miss me?
Kalinda: What if I said yes?
Cary: Well, I'd say, "That sounds about right."
Kalinda: Then... yeah.

This was not fair. And I was stupid; I acted like it would be.

You like to think you're a good person. Maybe that used to be the case. But we both know you'll do whatever it takes.

We're still treating this like Jihad even if it's an inside job.

I'm a team player. I just wanna do what's right for the firm.

Cary: I don't want you to lose.
Alicia: I know. I don't want you to lose, either.
Cary: I kind of like you.
Alicia: I'm surprised, but I kind of like you, too.

Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.