It all comes crashing down.

It's hard to be on this side.

A little hint for you the next time you do this, don't have the woman sleeping with my girlfriend break it to me.

How is my joking about Beyonce relevant?

It's hard to be the defendant, don't ever do it."

We are ending up right where we started.

They're going to get me one way or another.

Alicia: You know what Cary? Go to hell!
Cary: That is your answer to anything you cannot deal with!
Alicia: If you think so little of our partnership you should quit this now.
Cary: You should cool down!
Alicia: No! You should take this more seriously!

You don't want a merger and I don't want a merger, so whatever moves you want to make, I'd make 'em now.

Alicia: I've got the votes Cary. I've got the votes to get us to merge.
Cary: So that's how it will be? A fight to the death?
Alicia: No. We vote.

Alicia: No. Cary, you do it. She liked you. Work your magic.
Cary: God. I am the new Will. Sorry.

Yeah. They have Mrs. Chum Hum and we're screwed.

Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.