Madeline: Without that deed, Jamie and I have nothing.
Bill: I think you have more than you know.

Bill: Why didn’t you file the deed?
Madeline: I couldn’t do that to you, and it’s the only leverage I have. Montague still won’t release the trust.

Don’t shoot! It’s Bill! There’s Pinkertons everywhere, and I don’t trust them.

Bill: Do you think you can give me a hand loadin' this stuff up?
Nathan: Anything for love.
Bill: Love? Who said anything about love?

Bill: I have some news. I have found some land for you. A man named Paul Harper is looking to offload some acreage. Now, it doesn’t have a stream, but it has great mountain views.
Madeline: Oh, without a stream, it won’t work for me.
Bill: Well, for someone who’s looking to move quick, you’re awfully picky.
Madeline: I know. My late husband used to take Jamie fly fishing. I wanted to bring back some good memories.
Bill: Stream and fly fishing, huh? Oh. I’m sure something will turn up.
Madeline: Sadly, time doesn’t appear to be on my side. Bill, I appreciate everything you have done. Really, I do.

Well, a little word of advice, Jamie. If you want the other kids to like you, you’ve got to show that you like them.

I hear the family’s coming to meet you. Good luck with that!

Elizabeth: You know, people pay a lot of money to take the waters at hot springs. There's Colorado Springs. Saratoga Springs.
Bill: Health nuts, you mean.
Elizabeth: May I ask you what is going on? Did something happen with the doctors in Union City?
Bill: Do you always meddle so much? [sighs] All the doctors can agree on is that they don't know anything. There's something wrong with my lungs. I'm sure all those investigations in the mines didn't help much.
Elizabeth: Faith would never betray your confidence, but I understand she made some suggestions.
Bill: Suggestions. Experimental treatments. Wild ideas that sound like a bunch of hooey and a lot of effort.
Elizabeth: Bill, we don't know what's to come, but there is one thing we can do, and that is be open to new experiences. Live life in the moment. Carpe diem!
Bill: Carpe what?
Elizabeth: Seize the day.

When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.