Betty: Hey, if you want something to do, I am looking for a new assistant.
Daniel: Well, maybe I will submit my resume.

Wilhelmina: I never thought I'd say this, but you have big balls Betty Suarez.
Betty: That is the nicest thing you said to me.

Claire: I have a theory...
Betty: What! No. No.

Betty: How did you get so smart?
Justin: I had a few good teachers.

Hilda, you deserve to be happy.

Justin: B, how could you move to London, won't you miss all the kidnapping, shooting, and murder at Mode?
Betty: No, not really.

Amanda, you said you got a permit for this - right?

Sometimes I feel like I have to take care of everyone, but look at them.

He is not coming - you were right, I was going backwards.

I don't know what road I am on, but it is totally new.

I don't know how else this day could get any weirder!

Daniel: How can you drink this stuff - it tastes like bad breath.
Betty: Oh no I don't drink that stuff.

Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]