Bender: Bite my freshly-molted, blubber-filled ass.
Hermes: You're just a giant lump of fat. Do you even have an ass under there?
Bender: I'm 40% ass! Arf arf!

Fry: Is it weird if I talk about his crazy turtle penis?
Bender: No.

Fry: Congratulations, Bender. You've ended robot animal cruelty within a 20 yard radius of this building. You ready to call it a day, or do you have one more score to settle?
Bender: The second thing.

Bender: No robot cow should have to be milked by a milking machine! And no milking machine should have to milk a robot cow!
Leela: Those injustices don't even exist.
Bender: Then let's find some that do!

Huntmaster: They're not fox hounds, they're springer spaniels, you twit. Or rather, spring-powered spaniels.
Bender: Bot-on-bot violence? Where will it end?
Huntmaster: Not with the dogs.

Fox hunting is an ancient and noble pursuit that's fascinated me ever since I heard of it ten minutes ago!

Bender: Yo, Squidward Scissorhands. You got this in an adult robot medium?
Tailor: The fox-hunting uniform? You, sir, must be a robot of noble bearings.
Bender: Well, I am descended from Prince Albert's can.

Amy: They never made wise use of the land. When my ancestor Reginald Wong landed here, they had no bingo parlors and only one prostitute.
Bender: Pathetic!

Bender: Ooo, hefty. You could really bash in a skull with this thing.
Scruffy: I know, right?

My God, it's full of geezers.

It's not just safe it's 40% safe!

That is one crazy, uncircumcised man.

Futurama Quotes

There! This oughta' show that stupid robot we care about him.


Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.
