If I’m in charge, I can make a difference.

Maggie: Can we throw books at them?
Aziraphale: I’d rather you didn’t.
Nina: Obviously, no fiction, but encyclopedias? It’s all online these days anyway.
Aziraphale: Oh, if you must.

Nina: Why do they keep blowing up?
Aziraphale: Well, it’s all a bit complicated. The circle, it’s a gateway. But if you step into it and you aren’t prepared, it can discorporate you completely.
Nina: Does what you say make sense in your head?

Nina: Will you just answer a simple question?
Aziraphale: If I hear one, of course.

Aziraphale: We aren’t in danger. Crowley will be back in a moment. He will have a plan.
Nina: What don’t you stand up for yourself? Make your own plan.
Aziraphale: Oh, I am. But rescuing me makes him so happy.

Crowley: What are you doing?
Aziraphale: Just making space for everything that needs to happen.
Crowley: You’re up to something. I can smell it. What are you planning?
Aziraphale: Wait and see.
Crowley: Wait and see? Do you have any idea how irritating that is?
Aziraphale: Yes.

Aziraphale: Street association meeting tonight. 6:30, my shop. Perfectly ordinary invitation with no hidden agenda of any kind.

Crowley: You speak every language in the world. We both do.
Aziraphale: Yes.
Crowley: So what’s with the French?
Aziraphale: Oh, I learned that the hard way.

Shax: I have authorization from Beelzebub.
Furfur: You can have authorization from Satan himself, luv. If I don’t have them, I can’t send them over. I can give you a malignant and creepy sense of unease, if you like.
Shax: Why would I want a creepy…

Maggie and Nina are depending on me. They just don’t know it yet.

Aziraphale: You could’ve walked away. If you were truly as evil as you like to paint yourself, you would’ve done.
Crowley: Nah. That’s the trouble with you lot. You tend to see things in black and white. Sometimes, you just gotta blur the edges.

Aziraphale: I knew you’d come through for me. You always do.
Crowley: Well, you said, ‘Trust me.’
Aziraphale: And you did.

Good Omens Quotes

What’s the point in creating an infinite universe with trillions of star systems if you’re only gonna let it run for a few thousand years? The engine won’t even be probably warmed up by then.


Aziraphale: You made it all yourself?
Crowley: Well, I mean more or less. I wasn’t the original concept designer but I worked very closely with Upstairs on it.
Aziraphale: Well, it’s very pretty.
Crowley: Oh, thank you.