Arizona: You've got a lot of game. You have a very sexy... somethin'-somethin' going on, believe me. But there's a thing about you that bugged me. You walk around like you own the place. It's annoying.
Eliza: Mm, it's charming. Do you want to grab a drink some time?
Arizona: See? That. That is what I mean. No, I do not want to grab a drink with you.
Eliza: Yes, yes you do.
Arizona: Shut up. Fine. I'll have a drink with you.
Eliza: And I promise you will not regret it.
Arizona: Go away.

  • Permalink: Go away.
  • Added:

Arizona: Oh, oh great, so you don't need to remember my name?
Eliza: Arizona Robbins. That name attached to that face... no, that's not one you forget.

I told you to keep that baby in!

You know, for the record, I only thought about maiming you once, Callie. And I told you the second I thought about it.

You know, cutting off a penis isn't actually that big of deal. I mean, it's not like he needs it for survival or I don't know, to walk.

You're [Callie] right. Godspeed. Go kiss everyone.

Bailey: I held him in my hands. He's not even born and I held him in my hands.
Arizona: I know that feeling. It's privilege. Great privilege.

Congratulations, ‘lil butthole.

Callie: We have a beautiful life. We have a beautiful daughter. That can be enough, right?
Arizona: Yes, that can be enough.

Arizona: What’s wrong with your face?
Alex: I like your hair.
Arizona: What did you do?

I still got it. My superpowers are intact.

It puts the fun in fundoplication.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.