Emily [about Alison]: We accused her of being A, to her face.
Aria: How do we take that back?

Mike: I only went there to find out if she knew anything about A.
Aria: Because you think that A double-crossed Mona and killed her.

Aria: Where did Mike get access to this kind of money?
Emily: Doesn't A always have access to this kind of money? Maybe this is one of Ali's secret accounts.

Look I know you're all desperate to find out who's helping Alison, but just because it isn't Holbrook doesn't mean it's my brother. Mike was in love with Mona and he would never hurt her. And he would never team up with someone who would.

Aria: What do we do know? We just wait until A paints the town red in our DNA?
Hanna: One drop here, one spot there, and kaboom; we're all sharing a jail cell with Ali.
Spencer: You are like the queen of not helping!

Aria: Are you guys okay?
Spencer: We are some distance removed from okay.

Emily: I can't believe you told Ezra and lived to talk about it.
Aria: I know! I wasted so much energy worrying about how he was going to react that I could've been worrying about all the other things I have to worry about.

I don't even want to go to Talmadge. I was just scared that if I didn't get in, I'd be stuck here.

Aria: I spent a whole day running on a hamster wheel for you.
Hanna: Well I faced her, for all of us!

You can't spiral Emily when you've already crashed!

The rest of you are gonna be waltzing off to sorority rush and I'm gonna be stuck picking up garbage in Rosewood. Yeah that'll be me, dodging A messages and wearing a big floppy hat to cover my bald spot.

Alison: It's like you went to sleep one night and forgot who I am.
Aria: I know exactly who you are. A.
Alison: Stop saying that.
Aria: Why should I? You're A! You stole the game from Mona and then you killed her because she had proof.

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
