'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' That's what Jesus said on the cross before he died. 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' Job asked the question too. But he kept the faith. And what did he get for it? Replacement children. PTSD. Was it worth it to have been a faithful servant? Or would it have been better to just curse God's name from the beginning? Where was God throughout all of Job's suffering and pain? He was winning a bet with Satan. Makes you wonder where he is through all of the unfairness, inequity, and cruelness in the world. Where is he now?

April's Voiceover

In the course of one day, Job received four messages. Each with separate news that his livestock, servants, and 10 children had all died. He continued to be a faithful servant. He still prays to God. He persevered. Job's faith was tested, and he passed the test. And for his faith, God rewarded Job with twice of what he had before.

April's Voiceover

April: How do you do this?
Jackson: Well, you're kind of doing it. I mean, you dip your toe. You start by dipping your toe into the water, and then eventually you learn to swim.
April: That's easy for you to say, you probably dipped your toe all over town.

Jackson: You two are staying.
April: Okay.
Jackson: Okay.

I did not know a miracle could be so boring.

April: She's supposed to be with me... bonding and attaching or whatever. Smelling me like birds and dogs.
Jackson: Birds and dogs?
April: Shut up. It's nature.

It may not open doors, but "Kepner" means something.

April: Her name is Harriet.
Catherine: Harriet?
April: Um-hmm
Catherine: Oh, I like it. Tubman.
April: Exactly. Tubman, also The Spy, which is a very good book.

Now, I don't know what personal stuff is going on between the two of you exactly, but whatever it is, I will not allow it to compromise my patient, his care, or his penis. And for what it's worth, I think you two are good together. Also Catherine Avery is my mother-in-law, so I'll call her any damn time I feel like it!

Jackson: What is the matter?
April: What's the matter is that you keep holding me like this delicate flower that's gonna break every time you look at me. That is what is the matter.

He squeezed my finger and then he let go.

Do you believe in God? It's okay, you can believe for the two of you. You have lost somebody, and you are hurting, but you will get through this. You can survive this. You are strong. It's okay. You are going to be okay, I promise.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.