Reeves: Who’s Tony?
Gibbs: An old friend.
Reeves: You’re friends with the bass player from Flock of Seagulls?

Tony: I can't stay here.
Gibbs: We know that.
Tony: If that's Ziva, I gotta go.
Gibbs: We know. McGee, get him a plane.

Abby: Hey Tony.
McGee: Vance got a call.
Tony: Ziva. Are we sure?
McGee: I'm so sorry, Tony.

Orli: Actually, I'm here for a much more important reason. Something far more personal. Bring in Tali.
Vance: Wasn't that Ziva's sister?
Orli: Her namesake, yes.
Tony: Whose namesake?
Orli: You may have heard there was one survivor pulled from the farmhouse. Her room was in a corridor not destroyed by the fire. Tali is Ziva's daughter. And your daughter, Tony.

Tony: If I had known she was pregnant, I would have been there in a second.
Orli: Which is precisely why she didn't tell you. She didn't want to disrupt your life any more than she already had.
Tony: That was not her decision to make.
Orli: You know better than anyone how fiercely independent Ziva was. She did not need a man to complete her. She was quite comfortable and confidant raising Tali on her own.
Tony: Without ever telling me.

Palmer: Hey, are you coming back to work?
Tony: Of course I am. Why wouldn't I/
Palmer: I don't know. You're a single dad now, Tony. An agent in the line of fire. Wasn't sure you'd want to juggle.

Tony: I loved her, Tim.
McGee: I know you did.

Tali: Eema.
Tony Senior: What does that mean? Eema?
Tony: Hebrew. Means mother, mom.
Tali: [pointing at Tony in photo] Abba.
Tony: Tali, what did you say?
Tali: [points at Ziva] Eema. [points at Tony] Abba.
Tony: Abba?
Tony Senior: Daddy.
Tony: Ziva must have told her. She knows me. That's right, Tali.

Gibbs: Freeze!
Kort: Old friends, and new. But not the one I expected.
Tony: I'm here.
Kort: DiNozzo. I had no idea she'd be in the farmhouse. You know that.
Tony: Do I?
Kort: There's nothing personal. Strictly business.
McGee: It is personal. It's Ziva.
Tony: She was my family.

Tony: A few months ago, you asked me what I really wanted. If I wanted to be an agent anymore, catch bad guys. Now I know the answer.
Gibbs: I had a feeling.
Tony: The Gibbs' gut?
Gibbs: No. You. Seems to me you've known for a while. Only now, you've got a daughter to think of. You can't only think about yourself anymore.
Tony: Evidently we have a daughter. Me and Ziva. She knew me better than I thought. When McGee called, something hit me. I got this feeling, something I'd never felt before. In that moment, I didn't want Trent Kort dead. All I wanted to do was take care of Tali. Everything that she had in her life was gone.
Gibbs: Except you.
Tony: Except me. I'm it. I'm everything to that little girl now. And I've never been anybody's everything before.
Gibbs: But you showed up.
Tony: Yes I did. In all kinds of ways. But that's it. I'm done now. I'm going to take Tali to Israel, look for some answers. Then I'm going to take her to Paris. Ziva loves Paris.
Gibbs: You gotta do what you gotta do.
Tony: And you gotta believe what you gotta believe. [holds out his right hand as if to offer Gibbs a handshake] I'd say thank you but it doesn't quite cover it, boss.
Gibbs: [hugs him] You take care of yourself and your family, DiNozzo.
Tony: Copy that, boss.

Abby: I just have something I need to tell you before you go.
Tony: How do you know I'm going?
Abby: Because I'm Abby Sciuto and I know things.
Tony: Why did I ask?
Abby: I know how much Ziva really loved you. And I need to know that you know that too.
Tony: I do. I think.
Abby: Don't think. Know. I know. She told me. I'm really going to miss you, Anthony DiNozzo.
Tony: Not half as much as I'm going to miss you, Abby Sciuto.

Kort: I shoot first, ask questions later when someone's standing over and old friend's dead body.
Tony: You have friends?
Kort: Back off, DiNozzo. I was best man at his wedding

NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
