I'm unfixable. Not you.

Cameron [to Chase]

Chase: Did you ever love me?!?
Cameron: I don't know.
Chase: Thank you for finally telling me.

I loved you and I loved Chase - and I feel sorry for both of you. Because there's no way back for either of you.

We need to get away from Princeton Plainsboro.

Cameron: You hate coincidence.
House: We reconciled. It was a whole thing.

Dr. Cameron: I just don't see why you have to deny it.
Dr. Chase: I'm not.
Dr. Cameron: Now you're denying you're denying.
Dr. Chase: No, I'm denying that there's anything to deny.

Cameron: You know how House feels about people touching his ball.
Foreman: No, Chase refuses to tell me.

Thirteen: I guess we'll just continue to twiddle our thumbs.
House: God, I hope that's an euphemism.
Dr. Cameron: How am I supposed to do a lumbar puncture on a patient with intractable hiccups?
House: I'm trying to figure out what that could be a euphemism for.

Dr. Chase: Office romances are a bad idea. We beat some very long odds.
Dr. Cameron: Wow, why don't you save the gushy stuff for the wedding.

Dr. Cameron: What did Cuddy want?
House: I kinda hit that last night, so now she's all on my jock.
Thirteen: Wow, she looks pretty good for someone on roofies.

Dr. Cameron: I apologize if it looked like we weren't devoting our full attention to your daughter, but I assure you that we...
Mrs. Simms: Oh please, save your pathetic insincerity for your boyfriend.
House: You're wrong! She is in fact pathetically sincere.

Dr. Cameron: You really never did any drugs?
Dr. Foreman: Now this is gonna be a racial thing.
Dr. Cameron: Deflecting a personal question with a joke. Gee, who do I know that does that?
Dr. Foreman: Yeah, I'm just like him. Except for the angry, bitter, pompous, cripple part.
Dr. Cameron: Maybe we should all pitch in and get you a nice cane. You've already got the matching gym shoes.

House Quotes

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!


[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
