Alice: Grandma, you don’t have to pretend that everything’s OK for me. OK? I’m old enough to know the truth.
Del: What are you talkin’ about? You’ve been acting strange all morning.
Alice: Because we’re about to lose the farm! [heads turn from every direction]
Rita: Wait. What?

Alice: We haven’t made a pact.
Elliot: Sorry?
Alice: Before. You said that we made a pact not to talk about my travels anymore, but I think I would remember that conversation unless it hasn’t happened yet for me. So, I must have made some kind of pact with you in the past, which means that I keep going back. But mom says she never saw me again, so what does the pond want me to do?
Elliot: I couldn’t tell you that even if I wanted to. But if I can offer you a piece of advice, Alice? Don’t be in a hurry to jump back in.
Alice: But why?
Elliot: You can never go back to the way things were. People grow up, and everything you knew about those kids we once were is going to change.

Hey, Elliot. I’m sorry for telling you about your future. I really never meant to ruin it all for you.

Alice: I saw that look between you and Elliot. Are you two together?
Kat: No. But we were. After a million years of friendship, I, we thought maybe we could be more, then, maybe we could be forever.