Daniel: Are you crying?
Alexis: I'm a girl, I'm allowed to now

Alexis [whispers to Wilhelmina]: I'm not wearing a bra
Wilhelmina: power move

Wilhelmina: Someone has to teach you how to be a woman again..
Alexis: It's so frustrating.. it's like I finally got the sports car I always wanted but I forgot how to drive the stick.. only in this case it's automatic

Hey I'm not picky, up until yesterday i was eating out of a tube

Hitman: ...because once you get off this elevator you'll never see me again
[Alexis is about to get off elevator and sees Daniel and Jordan kissing, gets back on]
Alexis: Okay, I don't see you again after the lobby

Jordan: Hello Alex.
Alexis: Jordan.
Jordan: You look different. New haircut?

Daniel: You're not the only one in charge.
Alexis: I'm the only one in charge whose pupils aren't the size of quarters.

Rodrigo: We need to celebrate, pour some more champagne. I'll light some candles and run us a bath
Alexis: Cheesy, but it works

Rodrigo: So why wouldn't you want to go to Brazil with me?
Alexis: For one, I have sideburns and a mustache in my passport photo

Alexis: Do you need a condom? I've got one in my wallet.
Rodrigo: This is your first time as a girl, isn't it?

Alexis: I don't know how this is possible but I guess you don't know...
Rodrigo: That you used to be a man?
Alexis: That made it to Brazil?
Rodrigo: You're international Alexis Meade, like the house of pancakes

Daniel: So you would screw me over just to piss off dad?
Alexis: Yep
Daniel: You have a cold heart Alexis
Alexis: Had it installed with the other upgrades

Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]