You're a freak and I hate you.

Cristina: How small are your balls?
Alex: Meredith didn't talk to me for weeks for messing up her life. The balls are pretty small.

Her? You have nerd chub for Kepner?

Shepherd just kicked me off neuro because I don't piss myself every time I see a spine. The guy is a douche.

Bad Idea. Shepherd hates me, I hate the woods. You know there are bears out here.

You're supposed to have my back, I made a mistake. You have to forgive me. You guys are all I have.

Discharge her please. I'll pay you.

Owen: How'd she take it Karev?
Alex: Bitchy, cause she's a bitch.

Lexie: Right out of your butt.
Alex: Shut up.

If I do all of the logistical crap, I mean it's a project the hospital should fund, right?

Lexie: He solicited a patient for money.
Cristina: What are hooking now?
Alex: No my African kid thing.

Patient: Oh, don't pretend to be smart, you crooked, little bastard.
Alex: And don't pretend you're poor, you evil, old bitch.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.