Then slowly, over time, everything changes. And you're no longer this young thing, and you don't believe in fairytales and "perfect" isn't in your vocabulary. And then suddenly, here is this man and he becomes so familiar to you that one day you find yourself looking at him thinking I could love this person for the rest of my life.

He's mine. It's official!

They are unbelievable... treating my uterus like some kind of VIP lounge.


Addison: Jake, you just said our son.
Jake: Damn right, I did.

Addison: I love you. You're the last man I want to say that to. Let's get married.
Jake: Let's get married.

I love you, and you're the last man I want to say that to. Let's get married.

I'm his mom. I just want to be his mom.

Addison: We're still fighting.
Jake: I'm not opposed to angry sex.

Addison: He is Zeus. He's Thor. He's Beckham.
Violet: You're mixing up your mythologies and soccer players.
Addison: He's flypaper and women are the flies.

I could tap-dance for you. Say the words. I will slap two tacks on the bottom of these shoes right now.

I know nurture beats nature because Henry looks at me with love. I'm his mom and he knows it.

For the first time, in like forever, I have exactly the man that I want. This guy.

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches