Just so you know Jeff, you're not creating six different timelines.

We spend too much time together.


Troy: If you want to get us a gift we're registered at Linens n' Things.
Abed: We have plenty of linens. We only want the things.

Abed: Jeff wants to see you.
Annie: And I want pants. A lot of people want a lot of things.

Troy: It's like a million bucks in dog dollars.
Abed: Word.

Shirley, pretend I'm saying this in a soothing, reassuring, non-robotic voice. We're not gonna make it to the hospital.

Abed: Don't tell any doctors I said this, but at this point in the situation the bus pretty much drives itself.
Shirley: Who is the bus in this scenario?

I'm Jeff Winger. I love working this Blackberry because it really tones my thumbs.

Abed: The Cape is premiering!
Britta: Humanity is premiering you jag!

Britta is attracted to men in pain. It helps her pretend to be mentally healthy.

Abed: What could I do? It was Cougar Town.
Jeff: If you want me to take it seriously, stop saying its name.

Abed: For GCTV this is Abed Nadir saying: Did you know you can make napalm out of common dish soap and cat food?

Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
